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A Message from Hayley Cowlishaw about Elections:

Ladies! Officer elections are coming up for the alumni board. We delayed elections this year due to low meeting turnout, and elections will happen via survey the week of November 17th. If you are interested in running (or nominating someone for a position) please email or message me ( Please send in a quick blurb (1 paragraph at most) on why you are running for the position/nominating that person). Officer descriptions are below. Nominations are due NOVEMBER 15TH.




The President is to preside over all meetings and serve as a representative of Alpha Chi Lambda Alumni to the University at large. She will make appointments for vacancies in offices until an election can be held, appoint ad hoc committees, and call special meetings. In the event of a tie in any vote, the president holds the final executive decision. The president is responsible for official Alpha Chi communication with alumnae. The president is responsible for guiding the other executive board members and determining the direction of the alumnae group.

The Treasurer will distribute and account for all of the organization’s funds and keep a ledger. She is responsible for collecting dues and paying all authorized organizational expenses. Only pre-authorized spending will be reimbursed. In the event that more than $100 of the surplus needs to be used, the Treasurer will approach the executive board for a majority vote of approval. She will keep the organization updated on its financial status and present a formal budget at alumni meeting each year.

The secretary will record the minutes during all club meetings and distribute them in a timely fashion. The secretary helps to collect information for the alumni association newsletters, and oversees the Google Doc contact list. She may also aid any of the Executive Officers if they need assistance.

The Alumni Outreach chair will help develop stronger relations between alumni. They will help oversee individual Pledge Class chairs that can rally their peers to be involved.

The Active Relations chair will develop stronger relationships between the active sorority and the alumni association. They will act as a partner to the Active Alumni Chair throughout the year and especially leading up to alumni weekend;. It is recommended that this chair be a more recent graduate (1-5 years) and local to help support the actives around alumni weekend.

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